iGS-012 High Temp. watchdog adjust.delay
plants by turning off lighting or CO2 generators when temperature is too high
rotating knobs with continuous adjustment
Restart delay
adjustable from 0 to 20 minutes to protect lighting equipment
temperature limit adjustable from 70 to 120°F (21 to 49°C)
external temperature sensor on 20 inch(50 cm) cable to place at plants top
level: ±1.8°F (±1°C)
120 V,
maximum outlet current 15 A, 2 HP
boxes like
PLUG'n'GROW iLS4 means lots of light.
Useful Tips
Plug the
iGS-012 in a lighting timer and plug one lighting equipment in the iGS-012 up
to 1,000 W, 120 V;or
Plug the iGS-012 in a lighting timer and plug one 120 V power strip in iGS-012 and plug in up to 1,400 W of lamps
(2 X 600 W or 3 x 400 W or 1 x 600 W + 2 x 400 W); or
Plug the
iGS-012 in a lighting timer and plug in the sense cord from a load switcher box
(for example PLUG'n'GROW iLS4); or
A lighting
timer, an iGS-012, a power strip and 4 to 6 load switcher