Fish Meal
9-4-1 is a 100% organic product that provides natural slow release
(N), Phosphorus (P), Potash (K), and trace minerals. It is an ideal
purpose fertilizer for all type of plants and soils. It also serves
well as a
medium mix.
All purpose
4-3-9 is a 100% organic granular product, formulated to provide balanced
nutrition to all type of plants. It is an excellent source of readily available
& slow release nutrients and organic matter for all indoor & outdoor
plants and soil types.
Humik is a 100% organic, granular soil additive that contains Humic Acid Derivatives, obtained from Leonardite. It increases organic matter content in root zone, reduces leaching of nutrients and promotes beneficial microbial activity in soil. It also helps seed germination rates.
phosphate 0-3-0 is naturally occurring mineral mix essential in
building a good
soil. It is an ideal source of slow release Phosphorus (P) and a wide
range of
naturally occurring minerals, required for building strong rooting,
and overall plant growth.
Blood Meal is
a 100% organic, processed and sanitized granular product. It is an
source of natural slow release Nitrogen (N) and supplements for all
& soil types. It contains a diverse mix of amino acids and
proteins which
boost plant growth.
Wiggle Worm
Earthworm Castings are the rich digested soil that worms leave behind.
Gardeners know them to be rich in nutrients and microorganisms. The
microbes (as many as 10,000 different kinds) aid plant growth, help
fight off
disease and nourish your plants with readily absorbed nutrients that
keep them
healthy and productive.