:: Nutrients-Fertilizers:  General Hydroponics - SubCulture M


Root Inoculants and Protectors

General Hydroponics has developed two innovative root innoculants, SubCulture-M and SubCulutre-B. SubCulture-M is a unique blend of mycorrhizae that can be  dusted on roots during transplant. SubCulture-B is a blend of cultured bacteria that can be used in hydroponic reservoirs and in soils. Both products allow your plants to develop a symbiotic relationship with the media, nutrients and microbiology that serve to increase your plants immunity to disease and also promote a huge increase in yields.


Mycorrhizal Root Inoculant

·         Builds strong root systems

·         Greatly increases root mass to enhance growth & yield

·         Helps plants absorb nutrients & water more efficiently

SubCulture-M is a mycorrhiza root inoculant that contains a wide diversity of endo & ecto mycorrhizal fungi that colonize plant roots. These beneficial fungi form a fine network of fibrous strands that serve as an extension of the plants root system; increasing root area and helping plants absorb water and  nutrients. Use SubCulture-M from germination or propagation all the way through harvest. Reduce the amount of fertilizer while achieving superior growth & huge yields.

Price:  150 gr   $ 20.95
            300 gr    $30.95
            600 gr    $52.95

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