:: Nutrients-Fertilizers:  General Hydroponics - Floralicious Bloom


Organic Based Supplement
   Floralicious Bloom Promotes maximum flower size
   and fruit swelling for heavier yields. Offers pheno-
   menal flavor and bouquet upon harvest. Leads to
   more coloration that is vibrant with an improved
   overall appearance.

Organic Based Supplement

Floralicious is a potent organic nutrient additive made from the best nature has to offer. A highly concentrated blend of plant, marine plants, and mineral extracts, Floralicious

allows users to experience flavors, aroma, and yield like never before! And Floralicious is much more economical to use than the leading supplement. 

Guided by the latest scientific findings, our unique fermentation process creates a potent blend of phytostimulants and biometabolic precursors that enables Floralicious to bring out your plants full genetic potential. Floralicious augments metabolic activity in the root zone, stimulates Krebs cycle metabolism, and facilitates mineral transport and bioconversion. 

In addition, Floralicious enhances polyamine synthesis and encourages the biosynthesis of complex secondary aromatic compounds. Floralicious contains a perfect balance of vitamins, phytohormones, humic acids, polysaccharides, fructans, beta-glucans, L-amino acids, and polyflavonoids. Floralicious leads to hydroponics with flavor and incredible yields!

     1 quart      $24.95
               1 gallon      $72.95
          2.5 gallons    $165.95

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